New professionals

Intern interview: Himansshu

Let’s hear from our intern Himansshu Chourasia, a final-year marketing student at Massey University, about how he found the transition from university to the workplace:

“Change is always painful and it's never easy at the start ”. It doesn't matter what the change is? Especially if it is a transition from University to the workplace. I believe it always comes with heaps of responsibility, and responsibility never gets fulfilled in a comfort zone.

The day I decided to go to Massey University in New Zealand to study, the time period of multiple transitions started: student to international student, transitions started coming in the form of culture shock, accent, language, approach work.

But, if I more precisely talk about “transition” from University to the workplace, the transition I felt (Savvy Up) is mostly related to work ethics and soft skills. These transitions change a person into a responsible person and develop a person’s 4Cs (coordination, convey, convince and commitment). That's the beauty of the real world workplace, which you won't get in university libraries.

I can define my current situation by saying “I am evolving and it's so damn beautiful”. Life is challenging me everyday and I am accepting its challenge.From India to New Zealand, first year to final year business communication student to graduate,University life to workplace life(Savvy Up). This journey is incredible so far.

After studying and learning marketing in university and with Savvy Up I can say my interest towards marketing is growing and a real market sense is developing.To enhance my market knowledge and insight I am keen to work as a marketing assistant, coordinator, researcher, if I come across any opportunity.

In university students have a scary picture of a workplace: a weird environment, no friends, deadlines, boss and performance.

Honestly, “Savvy Up” has given me the biggest surprise of the workplace. That was different from my imagination.Like, considering every intern as a valuable asset, chance to participate in their all major decisions, opinions about anything and wearing a big smile on their face and ready to help anytime. Trust me, it works as a motivation to perform better and  the biggest surprise for me. 

My biggest tip for other young professionals is that they possess power to bring change in society’s professional behaviour. Because their mind is in the absorbing stage. They just need direction on some unsaid thing or small thing that needs to adapt to become extraordinary from ordinary. And I won't miss a chance to give beautiful tips to these young professionals or readers.

“A friend in need is a friend indeed”. In a university group assignment, I came across lack of communication among group members. It didn't happen to me only there are many more like me who experienced that. I believe if your communication is poor and there is no help, sharing and care involved for your fellow members, then you are missing a chance to develop your soft and leadership skills.Because it has potential to create a positive emotion and that works as a motivation to do better in the work.

Workplace Expectations is now Office Savvy!

Image: taken by Christina during a recent Virtual Reality experience. But it's a good visual representation. 

Image: taken by Christina during a recent Virtual Reality experience. But it's a good visual representation. 

It might seem that we've been very quiet lately, but we've been beavering away on a number of projects including:

  • An 'uninternship' model and a 'new consulting' model to support students at Victoria University (both still in progress)

  • Investigating some new programmes we'd like to develop as part of the suite of offerings (watch this space!)

  • Working with some other awesome people to further develop ourselves as an organisation. 

And in the midst of it all, as a result of the work we've been doing with Karen and Simon, we decided that Workplace Expectations for Young Professionals was a little too long and actually our product is called Office Savvy! 

We're excited about the new name and think it better reflects the outcome of the programme and what our young professionals tell us. Our platform partner Jumpshift also changed their name, and their branding - to the bright yellow Adeption. Name changes all round.  

Sport NZ offering Savvy Up's onboarding programme to young professionals

We're excited to announce that from February 2017, Sport New Zealand is offering our online course Becoming A Workplace Athlete as part of their online learning platform This means that all young professionals starting their first job in the sport and recreation sector will have free access to the course through Sport Tutor.

The course is particularly designed for young professionals in their first three months of a new role, but relevant to all young professionals as they start out in the workplace.

It covers everything from what it means to be professional and how to have a chat with your manager, through to how to set up good habits at work and what to do when you don’t know what to do. The course also provides downloadable resources to guide key conversations necessary to workplace success.

We'll be supporting the sport and recreation sector young professionals with a Community Champion - a young professional who will be the first port of call in the course discussion forums for help and support.    

For more information: contact us.